Beaver Creek to Vail

Let’s face it, sometimes when you come out to Beaver Creek, Colorado you’re also going to want to go check out Vail. So how do you travel from Beaver Creek to Vail? We’ll show you all the available routes and modes of transportation you can take to get from one location to the other.

Why travel from Beaver Creek to Vail?

Well, there are plenty of reasons. For one, if you are staying in Beaver Creek for a skiing vacation, you might want to check out some of the excellent terrain that Vail has to offer. Both resorts are owned by the same parent company: Vail Resorts Management Company, and pass holders do have the option to ski and snowboard at both resorts as part of their ticket packages *** dependent on blackout dates and events.

For this reason, many visitors like to travel between the two locations to check out some new runs. There are of course also lots of new choices for places to dine, shop and hang out when you are not tied down to just one resort village, so it makes perfect sense for people to want to make the journey from Beaver Creek to Vail.

Planning your trip from Beaver Creek to Vail:

It’s important to plan your journey from one resort town to the other. You have to consider how many people will be traveling with you. What you will need to bring with you. How much cargo space will be warranted. How much time the trip is expected to take.

On top of that, there are of course budgetary considerations. Some methods of transportation require advance notice, while some can be made on the spot.

There’s definitely much to consider when setting up your adventure from Avon/Beaver Creek going to Vail, Colorado.

Modes of Transportation:

Your journey between the two Rocky Mountain destinations will to a large extent be determined by your chosen mode of transportation. There are several categories to choose from. We’ll be discussing these below.

Buses from Vail to Beaver Creek:

The quickest bus route from Vail to Beaver Creek is via the Eco bus system which departs from the Vail transportation center (at the top of the covered bridge) and goes directly to the town of Avon, dropping passengers off outside the Westin hotel. From there a shuttle service can take you into Beaver Creek village. Tourists visiting Beaver Creek, always reflect on how accessible and accommodating the travel and transit options are in this town. 

Beaver Creek Bus Schedule

It is a convenient and quick route, but of course if you are traveling with many people and have lots of skiing equipment with you, it can become quite problematic. Also, while the schedule is quite regular during peak times, you might find yourself waiting for a while during the off season and later in the evening.

Bus fares are very affordable, and this is a local workers favorite choice of transportation between Beaver Creek and Vail and vice versa. It might not be the most glamorous way to travel, but the bus system is very reliable.

You Can Find Current Bus Fares for Eco Transit Here:

Routes for the Eco Bus System are viewable on their interactive map system here:

Taking a Taxi from Beaver Creek to Vail

Another option of transit between the two resort villages worth considering is calling one of the many local taxi companies. These fares are definitely more expensive than taking the bus. It’s about a 20 minute drive from Beaver Creek to Vail.

The commute will either go through the town of Avon and then East bound on I70 to reach Vail, Colorado. The total distance to drive to get from Beaver Creek to Vail is about 12.7 miles.

Driving Directions Beaver Creek to Vail via I70 East:

  1. Get on I-70 E in Avon from Village Rd – 8 min (3.3 mi)
  2. Head northeast on Avondale Ln toward Beaver Creek Plaza – (0.2 mi)
  3. Turn left onto Offerson Rd – (0.3 mi)
  4. Turn right onto Village Rd – 2.1 mi
  5. At the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit onto Avon Rd – 0.2 mi
  6. At the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit and stay on Avon Rd – 367 ft
  7. At the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit and stay on Avon Rd – 0.1 mi
  8. Use the right lane to take the ramp onto I-70 E
  9. Follow I-70 E to Vail Rd in Vail. Take exit 176 from I-70 E – 9 min (9.1 mi)
  10. Merge onto I-70 E – (8.7 mi)
  11. Take exit 176 toward Vail Rd – (0.3 mi)
  12. Use the left lane to keep left at the fork and continue toward Vail Rd – (213 ft)
  13. Continue on Vail Rd to your destination – 2 min (0.4 mi)

Alternate Route Highway 6

An Alternate, and some might say more scenic route would be to take highway 6 Eastbound from Avon along the Eagle River until you arrive at the town of Eagle-Vail, and then merge onto I70 East. But this will add an additional 10 minutes or so to your commute.

Vail to Beaver Creek Map

While Taxi service might sound convenient, you must also consider the fact that these services do not typically allow for much cargo space, so if you are traveling with 3 or more people and are planning on doing some skiing or golfing in Vail, a Taxi sedan might not be the best mode of transportation.

Private Car Service from Beaver Creek to Vail

Hiring a private airport shuttle in Beaver Creek might be your best solution for traveling to Vail. These chauffeured services allow for up to 7 passengers in their roomy SUV’s. There is also plenty of Cargo space and rooftop racks available, so storage and transportation of all your equipment should never be an issue.

You also get the convenience of a professional driver assisting you with all your luggage and equipment, which let’s face it, after an exhausting day on the slopes is the last think that you will want to worry about.

Another major bonus is that these shuttle companies will pick you up directly at your residence or hotel without you needing to travel to some sort of bus stop or shared shuttle pick up zone.

The only limitation is that you do need to book well ahead of time. In the busy seasons especially, these companies are typically booked, so it’s paramount that you make your plans well in advance. A quick call to a private car service operating between Vail and Beaver Creek should suffice to get a good idea of how busy they expect to be, and if you can go ahead and make a reservation.

Beaver Creek to Vail – Conclusion

Well, there you have it. Many different options and scenarios for travelling from Beaver Creek to Vail and vice versa. The most important factor to consider is definitely how many people are traveling with you. This will determine to a great extent which means of transportation are available to you and your group.

Next, is the amount of time you have to make the journey in, and finally the cost.

Once you have all these questions answered then you can make an educated decision about how you will choose to make the journey from Beaver Creek to Vail.